Friday, July 31, 2009

The Act of Coming Out

I've always held a strong compassion for anyone who is gay. I've fully understood their feelings of coming out, fear of reactions from loved ones and friends, and the fight for the right to be who they are. I attributed this to having gay family members, one of which I am extremely close to. I thought that was why I was able to empathize with their feelings and understand where they are coming from in their fears.

However, I now know those are not the reasons. Finally coming into myself and who I truly am, has brought me to the realization that I, too, must 'come out' at some point and will go through much of the same criticism as those from the gay community.

I didn't wake up one day and say, "I'm going to be psychic and communicate with dead people." Just like they didn't wake up one day and say, "I think I'm going to be gay."

I'm not going to walk up to people I meet and say, "Hi, I'm V. Nice to meet you. By the way, I'm psychic."

While I've touched on the subject here and there with various friends and family members, I've yet to fully divulge the extent of it all. To me, this is a delicate process that doesn't need to be announced to the world all at once. This is information, about myself, that shall be shared with the right people, at the right times. It's not something I need to open up about to everyone. I'm sure the vast majority of the "normal" world doesn't give up their deep secrets just for the hell of it. And, for the record, I think my 'community of psi folk' are "normal," and everyone else is off. =)

But, as it is with anything else, one day, we WILL be the norm and it will be OK to talk about spirits, psychics, mediums, witches, fairies, orbs, astral travel, goddesses, angels, ETs - you name it! - without getting that weird look and reaction from those who consider themselves "normal."

So, here's to all of my psychic buddies, who cherish all that is abnormal to the masses, and keep on keeping on, being themselves, in all of their psychic glory!

Goddess Bless!

Spirit Guide Reading

I received this amazing reading from an amazing friend named Sue! ~~~~~~

Ok, wow, this is cool. I was leaning back in my chair, trying to connect, and I ask the universe, 'Who is Virginia's Spirit Guide? The FIRST imagery I received was a ROULETTE WHEEL spinning around up in space.....with me at the center of it. NUMEROLOGY was my first thought after seeing this because I saw the red/black squares with the white numbers on them.......spinning around and around me........Very cool when I realized oh YES the numerology is Virginia's study! SO, you Guide is definitely helping you with your study of numerology. (NO I didn't take this first image to connotate you running off to the casino for the weekend! Just had to throw that one in there.....LOL.)

Definitely a scientific mind - a male. Old energy. He corrected me to say 'Ancient energy.' I am hearing this as a 'consortium of brilliant minds.' I'm already telling him he might 'lose me' so he'll have to slow down because I'm not that quick with scientific concepts. SO, I am hearing that you, my dear, are a part of this whole Spirit Soul Group of scientifically advanced souls, those who are using science to advance humanity in positive ways.

Your purpose as a part of this soul group in this lifetime is 'communication.' They are 'in Spirit' and have those who chose to incarnate on the Earth during this time to communicate with them and use the knowledge imparted by them, to improve circumstances on the Earth plane.

I'm talking 'big' energy here - Einstein is the first imagery that appeared in relation to this soulgroup. Also William James. Ooohhhhh - After William James I heard 'Barack Obama.' Now, isn't THAT curious? You are in Illinois, right? Curiouser, and curiouser. Oprah WInfrey is in Illinois, too..........I am being presented with these names, and their relation to Illinois in the country of the USA on the earth, during this time, this collage of images and faces and entities........Abraham Lincoln, too...........SO I am seeing this 'group' as being very very large, and very very influential in the direction of both this country and the planet as a whole.

So, when you feel 'less than' I am being instructed to inform you that you are a 'piece of this huge puzzle' of Spirit who is working without end to better the energies and improve the outcome for all humanity. (Cool, girlfriend!)I don't know if 'Einstein' has a connection to Illinois, but I'm certain he visited there......I'm just seeing imagery of 'light' coming from this centralized location in the US - and how this Light is like one of those spotlights that sweep the night sky but a million times brighter. Pushing back the darkness, they say.

I hear Jonas Salk and I feel he is presenting to say he is helping those in search of a vaccine for the Swine Flu. Interesting, I just saw Bill Clinton as a member of this soul group too. AHHHHH - Hilary Clinton is from Illinois!!!!! My goodness girl. The connectivity of all of this is giving me goosebumps. It is difficult to get them to come down to a personal level for you to be very honest. They are so united in their work for the 'whole' that they aren't into the minute stuff of an individual soul's life plan. I'd say that they provided you with the 'tool' of numerology to aid in your understanding of the connectivity of the ALL. Mathematicians and scientists - those energies, are very important - to aid in the understanding of the Universe. Numerology teaches about this - how Spirit/Science are really ONE. Science is another expression of Spirit - and those with that type of 'brilliant' mind can see that connection if they can make the leap between the left/right brain connundrum. Whew - fast thinkers here!

So, I asked for a name for your Spirit Guide. They said - just use the 'code word' Albert. As is the usual case lately - the Guides are telling me to look for the meaning behind each individual letter of this 'codeword.' Off the top of my 'intuition' I 'see'

Ummmmmm -= WOW ................Ummmmmmm My GOODNESS! I am stepping away because this is a huge reading and I am letting this much sink in for you, and for me, and for the ALL. blessingssuePS - They left me with imagery of Mark Twain (Samuel Clemons) and the riverboats on the Mississippi - the 'border' between Missouri (me) and Illinois (you) and a neat 'tie-in' to the roulette wheel imagery (ie gambling riverboats.) So........Mark Twain is a part of this awesome group, too - and he didn't want me to forget his amazing and eloquent energy! VERY COOL.

Of course, the river in relation to this reading cannot be ignored. Water is a huge Spiritual messenger, and I am seeing this river flowing swiftly and surely and cleanly and confidently in this image. Very good image of CHANGE and GROWTH and LOVE and PEACE and HEALTH for ALL. And, again, in the 'border' imagery, saying that Spirit/water and Science/ Roulette wheel of numbers are intertwined here........the 'tool' of the numbers AFLOAT on the river of water/Spirit in the Riverboat which brings the two together - wow, wow, wow. Thanks, Mr. Clemons for that wonderful imagery!