Sunday, June 13, 2010

This toad-ally applies

You know those times when you're given a "sign," but don't notice it, so you're given another one, in a more dramatic fashion? That seems to happen to me a lot. For whatever reason, I seem to be aloof to my "signs" most times. Thank goodness for persistent Guides and Angels, who don't give up on me.

We spent Memorial Day weekend in Michigan, at my in-laws' gorgeous lake house. Saturday night, we built a fire and made s'mores and relaxed under the stars. Actually, my 5-year old nephew looked up at all of the stars in the sky and said, "Wow! Those are a lot of wishes up there." Adorable, right?

OK, OK I'll get onto the story. Upon walking into the house, I could have sworn I saw something move near my feet, so I quickly flipped on the light switch right by the door, only to find a cute little toad had hopped right into the house when I opened the door. Now, keep in mind that several people had been walking in and out of that same door all evening long, without a cute little toad hopping in their path. I stood there just staring at the little guy, with my husband and brother telling me to get into the house so they could shoo the toad back out. (I was blocking the half-open doorway...woopsy)

The next day, as we were sitting outside, I noticed the toad again, hanging around. Of course, I didn't really think twice about it, since they live on a lake and toad's are quite common. Not necessarily on your back step, but common nonetheless.

It was once we got back home that I FINALLY got the "sign." We got caught in a storm right as we were pulling up to our house, causing us to sit in the car for 10 minutes, waiting for the rain to die down some. Around 12:45 a.m., the rain finally let up and we made a run for it, the dog, us and our bags. Running up the walk, guess what comes hopping out toward me??? A FREAKING TOAD!!! Never have I seen a toad around here. EVER! And for this little guy to come hopping out toward me, during a rain storm, made me stop and see the "sign!"

Once we got settled in the house, I grabbed my Animal Spirit Guides book to read my message. (I must also say that had I not been taking cues from my friend Yvonne about this stuff, the toad and his message would have been lost on me) So, here's the message my friend, the toad came to deliver -

If a toad shows up, it means: It's a good time to withdraw into solitude and contemplate emotional or spiritual matters.
You'll have an opportunity to review and clear some uncomfortable emotional issues from the past.
This is an opportunity to contact your most primal, instinctual self--the part of you that's the seed of any new personal or spiritual growth.
This is a volatile period of personal change, one where you'll feel unsettled and fragmented, yet one in which a new "you" will emerge feeling more integrated and whole.
You have much more available to you in terms of skills, experience, and inner strength than you're aware of.

Well, needless to say, before taking in the message, I had been pondering much emotional and spiritual stuff, trying to navigate where exactly I fit into it all. (still an on-going process) I've also cleared A LOT of issues from the past and feel so much lighter. (although, still an on-going process) I've gone back to the source of 'me' and who I strive to be, and have tried to do more readings, which is where I'm the happiest. Whether volatile or not, I love personal change and am always striving to be the best 'me' I can be, but knowing that there is a bright side of feeling more integrated and whole on the other side of all of this is very reassuring. And that last part? Well, I can feel the strength, power, and wisdom deep inside of me and am always searching for the ability to access it. I guess when the time is right, and I am ready (danielson), it will be shown to me.