I'm not going to pretend like I had this amazing relationship with him,
because I didn't. In all honesty, I feel like I barely knew him.
My grandparents moved to Alabama when I was around 7
years old, so the only time I ever spent with him was
during quick visits. And, let's face it ... spending
time with grandparents from the ages of 8-16 isn't
the first thing that comes to mind when you think
of "fun." During those visits, I was typically outside
running around with my cousins and my Pawpaw was
typically sitting in his chair ... with his switch sitting right
next to him. Daunting, wouldn't you say?
Luckily I was never on the receiving end of that switch, but I can't say the same for other family members. I never knew that side of my Pawpaw, but I've heard many, many stories. I think the most important memory I have of him is from the Christmas before he passed. We went down to Alabama for a visit and I remember 3 nights in a row of driving around, looking at Christmas lights. The first night we went out, it seemed fun and exciting (from what I can remember, anyway). The second night wasn't as exciting, and the third night was, "Again?" But 18 years later, driving around and looking at Christmas lights is one of my favorite things to do.
So, why write a blog about a man who had little-to-no impact on me while he was alive, except for one lasting memory? Because I now have this amazing relationship with him. Many of you will not understand, others will say I'm crazy, but there are a select group who know exactly where I am coming from. My Pawpaw came to me during several medium readings I received, and now I feel his presence all the time. He relayed so many important messages and gave me a lot of insight into who he is now, as a spirit, free from any demons he possessed in human form.
He has talked about his shortcomings and gave a very important reminder to not allow his behaviors to trickle down into patterns in the family. He talked of breaking that cycle and now allowing his wrong-doings to harm the family now that he's gone. But, most importantly (for me), he has shown me unconditional love and support as I've grown and developed into the spiritual intuitive that I am. He's been by my side, guiding me and protecting me along the way. Is it a coincidence that his birthday is the day before another special and important person who has been instrumental in my growth and development from the spirit realm? Nah ... I don't believe in coincidence.
My Pawpaw also reminded me that I am one of a billion, interconnected souls. He used the imagery of stars to demonstrate this concept. In the reading that he relayed this reminder, he presented himself as holding stars in his hand, shining and sparkling. He opened his hand and tossed the stars into the sky, to join all of the other stars. The magical part about this particular imagery? About a year prior to his passing, my grandparents renewed their vows during a family reunion. One of the songs that was played?....