Monday, April 27, 2009

I Am Me

What does that mean? I'm figuring it all out. But, I do know that I am going to be me, regardless of what others think about it. If I was meant to live my life for others, I wouldn't be where I am now.

Will everyone agree with my life choices and decisions? Probably not.

Will I meet opposition? Absolutely.

Will it stop me or hold me down? NO!!

I am moving into a different place in my life. It's been a long time coming, and I am happy and thankful that I've finally allowed it to happen. The negativity that was such an abundant part of my life, is no longer. I won't allow it. Of course we all have our bad days, but for it to consume my life the way it used to just isn't an option. Not everyone will understand, agree, or even be supportive. And? I am OK with that. Those who are important and matter will love me and accept me, no matter what.

Life has a plan for us all. A plan that we laid out for ourselves, before we were even born. My plan is starting to come to fruition. What exactly does that mean for me? That answer, I don't exactly know, but I do know this.........There will always be room on my magic carpet or a place on the back of my broom for anyone who wants to enjoy this wonderful ride with me!

1 comment:

  1. I agree "witchu." Like my FB thing says? "I gotta be meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I gotta be meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." :-)
