Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Well, Well, Well ... Wouldn't ya Know?!

So, I'm on Facebook, checking on an event page that I'm participating in, and I happen to glance to my right (at those pesky little ads that I rarely ever pay attention to). Imagine my surprise when I notice something along the lines of - 'My Secret Psychic Life'. Um, OF COURSE I clicked it!! I skimmed through the bio, about how this woman is your normal, everyday, suburban-type person, who has a secret psychic life.

Ho. Ly. Shit. It's not just me. AND!!!! ... perhaps I am somewhat more normal than I realized. *gasp* OK, OK, perhaps *I* am not more normal, but my situation just might be. I mean, in all honestly, I do know there are many of us out there who lead this 'secret life' outside of our daily mundane routines, but something about this particular ad struck a chord in me.

My guides are well aware of the fact that they need to literally hit me over the head with things for me to "get it." And, well, I feel like that ad I noticed was a conk over the head. Like a, "HELLO Dumb ass!! Wake up already! OWN your shit! It's yours. You have it for a reason. Own it and USE it!" Let me be honest here - I won't be singing this from the rooftops anytime soon, but I feel like I'm slowly but surely coming out of my broom closet. Watch out world.


  1. Yes. Please do come out and play Miss Vee!!! And any time you want to exchange readings let me know! I am game and I tend to forget the details of a person, even ones I know-ish, over time.

    Either come visit one of my blogs or send me a note via fb if you're interested.

    And rally on talented woman!!!

    I come out ever chance that I get ... and would like to further my card-carrying psychic status. Wondering what the next step is uber-verse???

    aka sparrow
