"To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." - Lao Tzu
Can you even fathom this? I mean really, sit and realize the reality of this quote ... The whole universe!
For those that may think this isn't possible, try it, I dare you. Sit in quiet contemplation. Meditate. Quiet your mind. What you will come to realize is that during those quiet, meditative moments, nothing is going on around you. Nothing. Do you know why? Because you have quieted your mind and the universe has surrendered itself. For those moments of serenity, everything stops. Even the seasoned meditators may be getting hit with this realization ... I know I am.
I never really stopped and thought, or realized that ... holy crap, the universe does surrender to my quiet mind. When I'm meditating, I know of nothing that is going on around me. I am lost in my special place, or my guided imagery, or my free flowing subconscious. There are no ringing phones, no email alerts, no loud traffic passing by, no hyper pets ... nothing. Naturally, any of those things may be occurring at the moments that my mind is still, but I wouldn't know because I am lost in my stillness.
If you've never meditated and would love to experience this awesome 'stillness' ... let me offer you a tip. I tend to be more of a left-brained person, so it was initially hard for me to quiet my mind and this is what worked for me.
Get into a comfortable position, with your arms and legs not crossed in any fashion. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, and count to six. Hold that breath in and count to six. Exhale through your mouth and count to six. Then count to six before taking your next breath in. Continue to repeat these steps and before you know it, you are meditating and the universe is surrendering itself to your quiet mind. In the beginning, this process may take several repetitions before you fall into a meditative state, but after some practice it gets easier and easier. Your mind is so focused on your breathing and counting that it forgets about 'everything else' going on in your life and is able to naturally quiet itself through this method.
On Monday, August 6th, Shannon and I will be talking about Hypnotherapy and Meditation during our radio show, providing more information, insight, and tips.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
You Must Be the Change
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Ghandi
Change is not always a bad thing. Change can often times be good. Great even. But, like all things in life, it has to start with you. Shannon and I talked about this a bit on last Monday's radio show. You have to be honest with yourself, first and foremost, about your intentions behind your words or actions. You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. It all begins with YOU.
If there are qualities and energies that you'd like to see, you have to be those qualities and energies first. Expecting your friends, coworkers, or family members to be honest with you requires you being honest yourself. Expecting those same people to be nicer requires you being nice yourself. Expecting those people to be loving requires you to be loving yourself.
Some of you might say, "But I AM nice, loving, and honest and I don't get it in return." Let's look into that... First, are you displaying the positive qualities looking for specific reciprocation? Love, compassion, honesty ... these things should all naturally be unconditional. It's not fair or right to only love someone IF they are going to love you back.
Second... being nice, loving, or honest to one person doesn't mean that all people in your life are going to be that way in return. We will always encounter the negative side of people and situations. What makes the difference is the way we respond to the test or lesson that the Universe is giving to us.
Third ... be aware. Be aware. Be aware. Always be aware of yourself and your thoughts. The key to being that "change" lies here. If you are aware of yourSELF and your thoughts, you are paying attention and are able to make adjustments accordingly.
A journey starts with one footstep. A drop in the ocean creates an enormous ripple effect. In the sea of people that make up the world, be the person to take the first step on the journey of making the world a better place.
Change is not always a bad thing. Change can often times be good. Great even. But, like all things in life, it has to start with you. Shannon and I talked about this a bit on last Monday's radio show. You have to be honest with yourself, first and foremost, about your intentions behind your words or actions. You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. It all begins with YOU.
If there are qualities and energies that you'd like to see, you have to be those qualities and energies first. Expecting your friends, coworkers, or family members to be honest with you requires you being honest yourself. Expecting those same people to be nicer requires you being nice yourself. Expecting those people to be loving requires you to be loving yourself.
Some of you might say, "But I AM nice, loving, and honest and I don't get it in return." Let's look into that... First, are you displaying the positive qualities looking for specific reciprocation? Love, compassion, honesty ... these things should all naturally be unconditional. It's not fair or right to only love someone IF they are going to love you back.
Second... being nice, loving, or honest to one person doesn't mean that all people in your life are going to be that way in return. We will always encounter the negative side of people and situations. What makes the difference is the way we respond to the test or lesson that the Universe is giving to us.
Third ... be aware. Be aware. Be aware. Always be aware of yourself and your thoughts. The key to being that "change" lies here. If you are aware of yourSELF and your thoughts, you are paying attention and are able to make adjustments accordingly.
A journey starts with one footstep. A drop in the ocean creates an enormous ripple effect. In the sea of people that make up the world, be the person to take the first step on the journey of making the world a better place.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The Purpose of our Lives
"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." - Dalai Lama
So simple, yet so complex. The purpose of our lives, truly IS to be happy. Down to the root of things, yes - that is the truth. But somehow we get so lost and convoluted in our actual lives that we quickly and easily lose sight of that very simple truth. We go on this ever-present hunt for happiness, which only leads us down twists, turns, and spiraled paths. Think about this - what makes you most happy? What makes you TRULY happy, deep down in your core?
I, personally, have a passion for learning. I love to expand my mind and learn new things. I'm one of those few people who actually liked school. Having been on a long journey to find what exactly I'm meant to do and go to school for, I would get a pang of jealousy when hearing about friends who had a final to take or needed to study or read for a class. I mean, who does that? This person. (Feel free to insert your nerd jokes here, I can take it. I'm very in touch with my nerdiness.)
I'm beyond excited that I have FINALLY started school (again)! For a few years now, I've searched and searched, looking for that perfect fit for me. I've researched a ton of schools and the programs they offer, waiting for the "one" to call out to me. It seemed that every time I looked through the course requirements of a program that sounded interesting, I would find something in there that I just wasn't feeling. I've met with several schools, and every time would hit a wall at some point that I just wasn't willing to climb. Each time one of these things occurred, it was as if I was closer to pinpointing my exact wants out of school and the next leg of my scholastic journey.
I found that I wasn't happy with the location of many schools, in regards to their proximity to my home. I found that many schools charged an obscene amount of tuition, disabling my desire to not pay out of pocket from the start. I found that many programs had a few classes that made me cringe. I found that I didn't want to deal with the discomfort of having to 'go' to a building almost every day to attend a class - learning on their schedule as opposed to mine. Most of all, I found that everything I looked at just didn't have that 'thing' I was looking for.
Then, lo and behold, one morning I stumble upon a school. It was as if the Universe took everything I had been wanting, and not wanting, put it all together in a nice little package, placed it on a plate, and laid the plate out before me, saying, "Here you go." I spent a couple of days, looking at everything the school had to offer and found myself torn between two programs - one being a Mind Body Wellness practitioner program, the other an Associates of Occupation Studies in Holistic Health Care, the concentration being Mind Body Transformational Psychology. The MBW program was less expensive and a shorter time span, but the AOS contained the entire MBW program PLUS all of the psychological learning. Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE psychology. I talked with the admissions advisor, who didn't offer much help in either direction, but set up an appointment with a financial aid advisor, since I had made up my mind to attend.
In the conversation with the financial aid advisor, I learned I would have to pay out of pocket for the MBW program. This conversation was over the phone, thank goodness(!), because I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I thought, "Not again." I asked her to lay out the numbers for me - how much would I have to pay, and in what intervals. She explained that and without one question from me, she went on to say, "I'm not sure if you're at all interested in the AOS degree, but since it falls over two calendar years, that program would be fully covered under your student loan." Wait. What's that you say?! So, I ask her to repeat that, and include whether books are covered as well. "Yes, it falls under two calendar years, so the amount you are guaranteed from the US Department of Education ends up covering the entire program, including all of the book fees. Most people aren't interested in this program because it's a two-year program though, so I just wanted to check with you."
I go on to tell her that I actually had been going back and forth with which program to actually take, and decided on the shorter one, because it was less expensive, which I assumed would be fully covered based on that reason alone.
OK Universe, I got your message. Thanks for the help!
So simple, yet so complex. The purpose of our lives, truly IS to be happy. Down to the root of things, yes - that is the truth. But somehow we get so lost and convoluted in our actual lives that we quickly and easily lose sight of that very simple truth. We go on this ever-present hunt for happiness, which only leads us down twists, turns, and spiraled paths. Think about this - what makes you most happy? What makes you TRULY happy, deep down in your core?
I, personally, have a passion for learning. I love to expand my mind and learn new things. I'm one of those few people who actually liked school. Having been on a long journey to find what exactly I'm meant to do and go to school for, I would get a pang of jealousy when hearing about friends who had a final to take or needed to study or read for a class. I mean, who does that? This person. (Feel free to insert your nerd jokes here, I can take it. I'm very in touch with my nerdiness.)
I'm beyond excited that I have FINALLY started school (again)! For a few years now, I've searched and searched, looking for that perfect fit for me. I've researched a ton of schools and the programs they offer, waiting for the "one" to call out to me. It seemed that every time I looked through the course requirements of a program that sounded interesting, I would find something in there that I just wasn't feeling. I've met with several schools, and every time would hit a wall at some point that I just wasn't willing to climb. Each time one of these things occurred, it was as if I was closer to pinpointing my exact wants out of school and the next leg of my scholastic journey.
I found that I wasn't happy with the location of many schools, in regards to their proximity to my home. I found that many schools charged an obscene amount of tuition, disabling my desire to not pay out of pocket from the start. I found that many programs had a few classes that made me cringe. I found that I didn't want to deal with the discomfort of having to 'go' to a building almost every day to attend a class - learning on their schedule as opposed to mine. Most of all, I found that everything I looked at just didn't have that 'thing' I was looking for.
Then, lo and behold, one morning I stumble upon a school. It was as if the Universe took everything I had been wanting, and not wanting, put it all together in a nice little package, placed it on a plate, and laid the plate out before me, saying, "Here you go." I spent a couple of days, looking at everything the school had to offer and found myself torn between two programs - one being a Mind Body Wellness practitioner program, the other an Associates of Occupation Studies in Holistic Health Care, the concentration being Mind Body Transformational Psychology. The MBW program was less expensive and a shorter time span, but the AOS contained the entire MBW program PLUS all of the psychological learning. Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE psychology. I talked with the admissions advisor, who didn't offer much help in either direction, but set up an appointment with a financial aid advisor, since I had made up my mind to attend.
In the conversation with the financial aid advisor, I learned I would have to pay out of pocket for the MBW program. This conversation was over the phone, thank goodness(!), because I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I thought, "Not again." I asked her to lay out the numbers for me - how much would I have to pay, and in what intervals. She explained that and without one question from me, she went on to say, "I'm not sure if you're at all interested in the AOS degree, but since it falls over two calendar years, that program would be fully covered under your student loan." Wait. What's that you say?! So, I ask her to repeat that, and include whether books are covered as well. "Yes, it falls under two calendar years, so the amount you are guaranteed from the US Department of Education ends up covering the entire program, including all of the book fees. Most people aren't interested in this program because it's a two-year program though, so I just wanted to check with you."
I go on to tell her that I actually had been going back and forth with which program to actually take, and decided on the shorter one, because it was less expensive, which I assumed would be fully covered based on that reason alone.
OK Universe, I got your message. Thanks for the help!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
There is more to life
"There is more to life than increasing its speed." - Mahatma Ghandi In fact, I think the best way to experience life is to slow down and enjoy it.
I took a wonderful vacation this past week and I got so much more from it than just a fun time away. Every happening that went down I took in stride, which is a vast difference from my everyday life. I like to be prepared for most things, however I do my best to remain calm and trust that all is as it should be when the unexpected arises.
We drove to our destination, which was a 16 hour drive one way. I am used to taking 8-10 hour road trips with my family to and from Alabama and driving it all in one shot. Yet, I rolled with the idea of slowing it down and taking two (and on the way there almost three) days. Stopping overnight at a hotel each way was so refreshing and relaxing and allowed us all time to experience different areas along the way. And I have to say that my vacation didn't feel shortened or taken from in any fashion.
This vacation was also so much more than "just a vacation" for me, personally. I was visiting a place that I've wanted to visit for so long - the ocean. I felt like I was reconnecting with a long lost friend. It was such a personal experience that I'm not sure I can express it in words, and also explains why I didn't feel compelled to take a ton of pictures. None of the pictures would have truly captured what I was feeling or experiencing. All of those things are neatly tucked away in my memory.
I did some things that I've always wanted to do, yet haven't had the opportunity or courage to do. I was able to jump into them without much thought or worry, which is HUGE for me. And while I would love to share every detail of all the fun things we did, I'm afraid it would come across as a "fun vacation story" and it was so much more than that for me. It was a deeply profound experience in my life, and I wouldn't even know where to begin with those details.
I have been extremely blessed with many things recently and I am beyond grateful for all of those things. For once, I can truly say that I love my life. Some of the minor details may not be at the exact place that I'd like them to be, but I am willing and able to slow down and see the bigger picture and know that I am lucky, I am blessed, and I am loved.
When you're unsure or unfocused or unhappy, stop for a minute and take a look around at the things you DO have in your life. Be grateful and appreciative of those things. Then, be willing to slow down and enjoy the ride, instead of racing to the finish line. When you go too fast, you miss all of the beauty and wonder that pass by.
I took a wonderful vacation this past week and I got so much more from it than just a fun time away. Every happening that went down I took in stride, which is a vast difference from my everyday life. I like to be prepared for most things, however I do my best to remain calm and trust that all is as it should be when the unexpected arises.
We drove to our destination, which was a 16 hour drive one way. I am used to taking 8-10 hour road trips with my family to and from Alabama and driving it all in one shot. Yet, I rolled with the idea of slowing it down and taking two (and on the way there almost three) days. Stopping overnight at a hotel each way was so refreshing and relaxing and allowed us all time to experience different areas along the way. And I have to say that my vacation didn't feel shortened or taken from in any fashion.
This vacation was also so much more than "just a vacation" for me, personally. I was visiting a place that I've wanted to visit for so long - the ocean. I felt like I was reconnecting with a long lost friend. It was such a personal experience that I'm not sure I can express it in words, and also explains why I didn't feel compelled to take a ton of pictures. None of the pictures would have truly captured what I was feeling or experiencing. All of those things are neatly tucked away in my memory.
I did some things that I've always wanted to do, yet haven't had the opportunity or courage to do. I was able to jump into them without much thought or worry, which is HUGE for me. And while I would love to share every detail of all the fun things we did, I'm afraid it would come across as a "fun vacation story" and it was so much more than that for me. It was a deeply profound experience in my life, and I wouldn't even know where to begin with those details.
I have been extremely blessed with many things recently and I am beyond grateful for all of those things. For once, I can truly say that I love my life. Some of the minor details may not be at the exact place that I'd like them to be, but I am willing and able to slow down and see the bigger picture and know that I am lucky, I am blessed, and I am loved.
When you're unsure or unfocused or unhappy, stop for a minute and take a look around at the things you DO have in your life. Be grateful and appreciative of those things. Then, be willing to slow down and enjoy the ride, instead of racing to the finish line. When you go too fast, you miss all of the beauty and wonder that pass by.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
The Joy of Life
"A flower falls even though we love it and a weed grows even though we do not love it." - Dogen Zenji
Confused yet? :) To me, this quote is about control, or lack thereof. It takes a lot to take a step back and realize that we don't have full control of our lives. We may think we do. We may micro-manage every detail of our lives, but in the end, does it always turn out the way we wanted or planned? No. Why? Because everything happens as it's meant to.
The road of life becomes a much smoother surface when we sit back and enjoy the ride. Now, this doesn't mean do NOTHING in life. Pursue your passions, reach for your dreams, live your life, but also ENJOY it. Yes, times do get stressful and hard, but maintaining an inner knowing of 'this is how I planned it out' and 'all is as it should be' helps to keep a level head through the hard times.
Let's take planning a wedding for example. You sit down with every vendor possible. You look at every venue. You taste every cake. You plan every second of music. You plan every detail of the flowers. You dress up all of your friends. You stress over every detail involved and become a crazed fool. And for what? Did all that planning and stressing stop the rain from falling that day? Did stop your dad from stepping on your dress? Did it stop the flower girl from crying while her mom dragged her down the aisle? Did it stop your groom from passing out at the alter? Did it stop your mother from drinking too much at the reception? Did it stop your cousin from puking into the plant at the reception hall? No. The day happened as it was meant to, regardless of how much time and energy you spent stressing over trying to make every detail perfect.
Life is so much more fun and easier to navigate when we let go and enjoy the ride. Keep your true intentions firm in your mind. Keep your desires, wants, and wishes at the forefront so that the Universe can listen and guide you along your journey to your soul's true purpose. Because, at the end of the day when we lay our head down on the pillow, another flower has fallen and another weed has grown. That's the way life works folks.
Confused yet? :) To me, this quote is about control, or lack thereof. It takes a lot to take a step back and realize that we don't have full control of our lives. We may think we do. We may micro-manage every detail of our lives, but in the end, does it always turn out the way we wanted or planned? No. Why? Because everything happens as it's meant to.
The road of life becomes a much smoother surface when we sit back and enjoy the ride. Now, this doesn't mean do NOTHING in life. Pursue your passions, reach for your dreams, live your life, but also ENJOY it. Yes, times do get stressful and hard, but maintaining an inner knowing of 'this is how I planned it out' and 'all is as it should be' helps to keep a level head through the hard times.
Let's take planning a wedding for example. You sit down with every vendor possible. You look at every venue. You taste every cake. You plan every second of music. You plan every detail of the flowers. You dress up all of your friends. You stress over every detail involved and become a crazed fool. And for what? Did all that planning and stressing stop the rain from falling that day? Did stop your dad from stepping on your dress? Did it stop the flower girl from crying while her mom dragged her down the aisle? Did it stop your groom from passing out at the alter? Did it stop your mother from drinking too much at the reception? Did it stop your cousin from puking into the plant at the reception hall? No. The day happened as it was meant to, regardless of how much time and energy you spent stressing over trying to make every detail perfect.
Life is so much more fun and easier to navigate when we let go and enjoy the ride. Keep your true intentions firm in your mind. Keep your desires, wants, and wishes at the forefront so that the Universe can listen and guide you along your journey to your soul's true purpose. Because, at the end of the day when we lay our head down on the pillow, another flower has fallen and another weed has grown. That's the way life works folks.
psychic abilities,
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
The Journey of a Thousand Miles ...
"The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." - Lao Tzu
One step. That's all it takes to start heading in the direction of your dreams. As you take that first step and look down the pathway, the end result seems so far, far away. You may start fealing fear, you may start rethinking this entire decision, but if you close your eyes, take a deep breath and take another step ... before you know it, you're halfway through your "journey of a thousand miles."
That fear and trepidation that you initially felt will be far behind you and you'll be wondering what you were even afraid of in the first place. You may even laugh at yourself for being so scared. But, if you didn't have that fear to push through, would you know how strong you are for taking that first step?
We all have different goals and pursuits in life. Our journeys are our own, our paths full of twists and turns, but we all want the same result - to reach our destination. If you promise to hold my hand while I take my first step, I promise to not let go when you take yours.
One step. That's all it takes to start heading in the direction of your dreams. As you take that first step and look down the pathway, the end result seems so far, far away. You may start fealing fear, you may start rethinking this entire decision, but if you close your eyes, take a deep breath and take another step ... before you know it, you're halfway through your "journey of a thousand miles."
That fear and trepidation that you initially felt will be far behind you and you'll be wondering what you were even afraid of in the first place. You may even laugh at yourself for being so scared. But, if you didn't have that fear to push through, would you know how strong you are for taking that first step?
We all have different goals and pursuits in life. Our journeys are our own, our paths full of twists and turns, but we all want the same result - to reach our destination. If you promise to hold my hand while I take my first step, I promise to not let go when you take yours.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Live Your Life
New Year, New You. That's what they say, right? But, it doesn't have to be a "New Year" to invent the "new you." Life is full of surprises and happy twists and turns and opportunities to make it what you want. You just have to be paying attention when it happens.
My advice for the new year? Throw out all ideals and notions of living by a schedule or agenda. I'm not talking reckless abandon here. Still get up and go to work everyday, feed your children, do your normal routines. Just don't get caught up and stuck in them. Take your nose out of weekly planner and LIVE life. (Now this may be advice more for myself than anything, but if it works for you also, then Yippee!!)
Enjoy the moments outdoors. Soak up the energy of the full moons. Touch trees as you pass them. Be in the moment, at every moment. Easier said than done, I know, but it won't hurt to at least try. What's the worst that can happen if you live your life with intention? You might actually get what you want out of life? You might enjoy every aspect of your life? Hey, that's a win-win if you ask me.
My advice for the new year? Throw out all ideals and notions of living by a schedule or agenda. I'm not talking reckless abandon here. Still get up and go to work everyday, feed your children, do your normal routines. Just don't get caught up and stuck in them. Take your nose out of weekly planner and LIVE life. (Now this may be advice more for myself than anything, but if it works for you also, then Yippee!!)
Enjoy the moments outdoors. Soak up the energy of the full moons. Touch trees as you pass them. Be in the moment, at every moment. Easier said than done, I know, but it won't hurt to at least try. What's the worst that can happen if you live your life with intention? You might actually get what you want out of life? You might enjoy every aspect of your life? Hey, that's a win-win if you ask me.
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