Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Well, Well, Well ... Wouldn't ya Know?!

So, I'm on Facebook, checking on an event page that I'm participating in, and I happen to glance to my right (at those pesky little ads that I rarely ever pay attention to). Imagine my surprise when I notice something along the lines of - 'My Secret Psychic Life'. Um, OF COURSE I clicked it!! I skimmed through the bio, about how this woman is your normal, everyday, suburban-type person, who has a secret psychic life.

Ho. Ly. Shit. It's not just me. AND!!!! ... perhaps I am somewhat more normal than I realized. *gasp* OK, OK, perhaps *I* am not more normal, but my situation just might be. I mean, in all honestly, I do know there are many of us out there who lead this 'secret life' outside of our daily mundane routines, but something about this particular ad struck a chord in me.

My guides are well aware of the fact that they need to literally hit me over the head with things for me to "get it." And, well, I feel like that ad I noticed was a conk over the head. Like a, "HELLO Dumb ass!! Wake up already! OWN your shit! It's yours. You have it for a reason. Own it and USE it!" Let me be honest here - I won't be singing this from the rooftops anytime soon, but I feel like I'm slowly but surely coming out of my broom closet. Watch out world.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

An Experiment

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a huge fan of Chip Coffey. I admire the confidence and conviction he has, his no-nonsense approach, and his willingness to help others. When he posted a little experiment on his Facebook page, I was game!

Step 1 of the experiment was to write down 5 words that I felt described myself.
Mine were:
1. Honest
2. Compassionate
3. Intelligent
4. Loyal
5. Insightful

Step 2 was to ask friends and family to tell me 5 words that THEY felt described me. I got quite a few responses:
Fun -2
Joyful -2
Spiritual - 2
Loving - 4
Compassionate -5
Intelligent/Smart -4
Amazing -2
True -2

*I have to say that it was fun to see the responses. I was quite touched by many of them and very thankful that so many people chimed in to give their views of me. I also suggest this experiment to all of you. You never know what you might learn about yourself.*

Step 3 was to compare my own words to the words that everyone else provided and ask these questions - Are the lists similar? Am I happy with the way I project myself to others? Did some words surprise me? Did I feel anxious about asking others to describe me? Who am I ... really?

Well, I was surprised at how many similarities there were amongst the lists. This made me stop and think, "Huh? I must be finally coming into myself and truthfully being 'me'." I was able to sit back and feel proud of myself for being true to who I am and who I am meant to be.

Take a deep breath.

Let it out.

I'm on my way.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Past Life Regression

Have you ever had a Past Life Regression (PLR)? Amazing stuff! I had one a month or so ago and am STILL trying to process it all. My amazing friend, Shannon, did the session over the phone and taped it so I could listen back at my convenience. Honestly? I haven't listened to it yet. I am just not ready, I guess. I remember most of the details from it, but I think actually listening to it is still a bit deeper than I'm willing to dive just yet. (Ha! I just got my own 'dive' joke. You'll understand as you read on...) :) As a dear friend of mine would say... "grab a pillow for your butt."

I've never had a PLR before this one, so I wasn't sure what to expect and had a little anxiety about it. Shannon picked up on this, and chatted with me a bit prior to help ease the anxiety. She explained to me what regression and hypnosis was like. I learned that it wasn't much different than a guided meditation, except that I would go deeper under. Simple enough, right?
~On a side note (there may be many "side notes" to this one...), I used to always think about how I didn't think I could quiet my mind enough to meditate. And now, I realize how easily I go into a meditative state. I love learning and realizing things like this. ~

Shannon guided me through a series of steps (ha..another joke!), literally - I walked down a stairway in the beginning of the session. I know, I know... get on with it. Shannon explained to me that I could experience the regression one of two ways, in body or as an onlooker, and that my soul would know which would be better for me. Once I was "there," she asked me to look down at my shoes and then see what I was wearing.

Here's how it went for me (remember this is from memory alone):
I looked down and saw a pair of black shoes on my feet. I was in a long, black dress, with a long white apron. I looked around and saw many other women dressed this way, except they were all wearing bonnet-looking hats. The men were dressed in black suits with black hats, but I only saw a few of them. The women were abundant and every woman that I saw was out sweeping their porches. All of the houses were small, with an A-line roof (I think that's what they would be called). When I surveyed the land, there was a lot of greenery, hills, trees, etc. and I was definitely on the East Coast. Actually, when Shannon asked what part of the world I was in, I responded with, "America," and went on to more specifically say, "Salem." (I do have to note that I wasn't wearing one of those bonnet-looking hats, like the rest of the women.)

No one there seemed to really take notice of me. No one waving or smiling as I walked past. It almost felt like I was in a dream, spying on another world. This was early on in the regression, and I could tell I was under, but wasn't "deep." I said that it felt like the 1800's. But, also felt a question with it, like I wasn't fully sure. I was a female, in my early 20's and my name began with an 'S', but I wasn't sure of my name. I was also unmarried, with no children, and a housemaid, which apparently I wasn't too fond of. It was boring and tedious to me.
~Side note time: Now, thinking back, I have to wonder if my name was 'Charlotte'. I wonder this because in my entire life, I've only had ONE invisible friend. I was under the age of 4 when she was around and her name, of course was Charlotte. For such a young age, I have vivid memories of a day with her and my grandparents and her name has never left me. Kind of makes you wonder.~

I went forward in time some, and at this point starting feeling myself go deeper. There was another girl that was with me at this point, Sarah, who I immediately identified as my cousin Michele, this time around. I was in a horrifying experience, as I watched Sarah get dragged away from me by some men. It was clear to me now that they thought we were witches. I KNEW that we weren't, but this is what "they" thought. We were different than "them" which didn't sit well. I watched, in hiding, as they tied Sarah up to a tree, or something wooden. I knew fire would be coming soon, so I turned and ran.

I went forward more (and deeper), and said the year was '92. Then, repeated the "18," to say 1892. I was still on the run. All I could see was trees whizzing past me as I ran, panting, trying to stay ahead of the 'men' that were on the hunt for me. I stopped, and was hiding on the side of a building, when I heard the men's voices. I knew I was seconds from being found. Shannon tried to get me to go forward more, but I was frozen. I could see nothing but blackness. She then asked me to step out of the body to experience the rest as an onlooker.
~Side note: As I was experiencing the 'running', I immediately thought to myself, "Oh my gosh. My dreams!" I have had recurring dreams/nightmares of me running from someone/something. I never really knew who or what I was running from. But, I was often running and hiding, and I would be on the side of a building or some structure, with a sense of whoever was chasing me being right around the corner. I ALWAYS woke up right before I was found or caught. Since the regression, I've had only one dream, where I was running from someone. Right away I recognized this, and in my dream state, said, "No, no, no. This can't be happening again." I woke up and the dream never continued. ~

I watched, as the men grabbed the girl and dragged her alongside of their horses, as they galloped along. They were at the seashore. The men tied something heavy to the girl and flung her into the water. It almost felt as though she ran, so this was her "punishment."

Now, some things that stood out to me... Shannon asked me how I felt about water. I have always had a fear of drowning. Always. I know how to swim and am actually quite fond of water. I feel very comfortable and at 'home' when in water, especially lakes or running bodies of water. However, I take active measures (floaty devices, etc.) when I'm in water that is over my head or I can't see the bottom. I get anxious if I'm forced to enter water without a floatation device to have hold of.

Also, prior to bringing me out of the regression, Shannon asked what unfinished business I had (or something to that effect). My answer - I never grew up, never got married, and never had children. This stood out to Shannon, as having children is a current issue I'm dealing with. She said there may be a connection there that I should look further into. I'm still working on that one.

Another thing Michele pointed out to me is that I answered, "America" when asked where I was on the world. If asked that today, the answer would be, "The U.S." Back in those times, there was no United States - only the new world known as 'America'. I'm glad she noticed that, because I didn't!

Of course my curious mind had to get right to work after the PLR, so I jumped online and googled some stuff. I found out that a lot of the 'burnings' of witches happened in 1692. I let out a nice, "Holy shit!" when I saw that. Now, I never felt fully sure about the '1800s', but I felt 100% confident when I said '92. It rolled off of my tongue, without question. I also looked up images of this time and everything looked exactly as I had just seen it myself.

My mind is very analytical, and I spent days going over all of this in my head. Did I make this all up? Did I spend an hour or so in "the land of make-believe?" I told myself I had seen pictures of tv shows on these times, so I knew how the homes looked and how the people dressed. I did and said many things to talk myself out of the experience I just had. But, then I was forced to look at the specifics I didn't know or couldn't have possibly known. The year, the running away from the men (showing me where my recurring dreams stemmed from), watching the drowning, saying I was in "America" ... so many things. I finally forced myself to stop analyzing and trying to explain off the whole regression.

The truth of the matter is - I went back into a past lifetime of mine and healed some very old wounds.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Along this journey called "life," I've met some pretty amazing souls ... and some not so amazing. Fortunately, I've been able to learn something from them, whether they were amazing or not. I've learned what true love is thanks to my husband, and I've learned what unconditional love is thanks to my nephew. I've met some pretty amazing women who have helped me along my journey, pointing me in the right directions (even if I didn't listen right away), offering me undeniable advice (again, even if I didn't listen right away), and being an all-around fantastic support system for me.

I've been learning about patience, and the fact that I have very little of it in many situations. This is where I remind everyone of that "work in progress" that I like to refer to myself as. I've also been learning to set boundaries - something that I hadn't done in the past. It's amazing what happens when those boundaries get set. When I declared (to myself and the Universe) that I refused to take part in or enable certain behaviors of those close to me, all of a sudden the contact with those individuals lessened.

I've learned that I struggle with many personalities, especially those that are full of shit. Hypocrisy and lying are among my least favorite traits and I am determined to not allow time for those people in my life. In some cases this is great! But, in other cases, this pertains to souls that are close to me - family, close friends, etc. - and creates problems that aren't always easy to navigate. I'm sure these problems just mean more learning for me. I also know that life is all about balance, so in order to take in and appreciate the amazing souls I've encountered, I have to take in and appreciate the not-so-amazing ones.

So, here's me declaring my appreciation of all of the souls that have impacted my life, whether good or bad. Obviously I have more appreciation for the 'good impact souls', but again ... "work in progress." :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

2011 - My Year

So, I'm about a month and a week late on the whole "2011" thing, but hey, better late than never, right? =)

It seemed that shortly after the clock struck midnight on January 1st, I heard it - "This is your year." So, I questioned what exactly that meant.

Here is my answer:
This is my year to finally be me. Who I am, inside and out. Who I am meant to be. This is my year to finally integrate my "two" lives into one. To be out, to be open, regardless of any consequence that might bring.

I feel like I've been gearing up for this for a couple of years now. I've gone through different experiences and learned many lessons along the way, all leading, teaching and bringing me to this moment. I've met many people who have inspired and supported me. I can only hope that those types of people will continue to enter my life as I become the 'me' I am meant to be.

And, I am eternally grateful for those that have already entered my life and taught me and encouraged me.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Lesson in Karma

I often butt heads with my younger brother about the subject of Karma. Well, come to think of it, I often butt heads with him on many topics. I live with an overall 'knowing' of certain things in life. He lives with a black-and-white, have-to-see-to-believe approach. (Shhh ... don't tell him, but he's SLOWLY coming to the 'other' side. His confessions of hearing a 'voice' in his head telling him not to do something JUST before it happens, and seeing a Spirit or two give it away. Baby steps. Teeny, tiny baby steps.)

When we talk about Karma, he argues that it doesn't exist because he may have done something to someone, and that exact thing doesn't happen in return to him. That's the problem. Karma isn't necessarily "an eye for an eye." For example, let's say that for years you 'cheated the system' by lying about income or filing for public assistance untruthfully. Don't be surprised if many years later you find yourself losing your home or your car, seemingly out of nowhere. Don't be surprised if you feel your world crumbling down on you and you can't seem to understand why. That, my friends, is Karma.

Dictionary.com defines Karma as such:

1. Hinduism, Buddhism . action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman.

2. Theosophy . the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.
3. fate; destiny.
4. the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something.

So, you see, just because you may have used or abused someone or something, you can't expect those exact same things happening to you. But, you can however, expect something, not so pleasant in return at some point in your life.

Karma works in the positive sense also. Living your life, honestly, truly doing good and feeling good about what you do can reap positive rewards for your life.

It's really not that hard to appreciate what you have, not envy what you don't, be kind to others, always remember "The Golden Rule," and be the best person you can be. Go ahead and try it. I dare you. Then, sit back and start to notice all of the great, unexpected things that start happening in your life.

Karma is elementary, Dear Watson, elementary.