Saturday, December 7, 2013

Living Life According to the Universe

The universe works in a very structured, yet giving, manner.  There are rules and laws that govern the universe and our lives and the more we live in accordance to those laws, the more harmonious our lives are, the more in touch we are with our true selves.  For about ten years or so, I’ve naturally been living my life according to Universal laws and my life has been drastically different since. 

It’s like a natural system of checks and balances.  Where our minds go, our energy follows.  So, if we think about and harbor on negative aspects of life then that is what we find ourselves surrounded by.  If we wish harm on others, we find ourselves in harm’s way quite often.  If we want something, we must act upon it – in both thought and physicality.  Everything always comes full circle – what goes around comes around, so if you ‘go around’ in a positive fashion, that positivity also ‘comes around’ your life.  Everything in the world must have balance, what goes up must also come down.  There is a rhythm to the universe and as long as we are living in accordance to that rhythm, we ourselves, our lives are also in rhythm.  To me, it truly is the simplest thing in the world, yet so many people are not dialed into this concept and awareness. 
We are the only ones who can control what we think, how we act, and how we react.  Keeping our thoughts focused on the things we want, instead of the things we do not want heightens our ability to manifest things in our lives. 
Actively appreciating what we DO have instead of what we do not have keeps our lives in perspective.  Being aware of the things we have that others do not, helps us to keep it relative.  This can be our mental health, our physical health, our spiritual connection, our physical surroundings, our physical assets, our zest for life, etc. 
Understanding that we create our realities, through our thoughts, words, and actions helps us to not become victims of our lives and helps us to hold ourselves responsible for what we do, think, and say. 

Knowing that we must have balance in life, being able to take the good with the bad, understanding that the sun sets and the moon rises, that tides go in and out, that people are good and people are bad.  It IS what we choose to focus on, so why not focus on the good?  Even if we experience a down time or a “bad” situation, we will get through it – we always do.  Everything is happening as it is meant to and we are never given more than we can handle. 
Having an awareness that our thoughts are like silent wishes, so should we ‘think’ about wanting a new house, we have planted that seed, as a wish to grow in our world.  The more we feed energy to that thought (wish) the more of a reality it becomes.  It may not happen overnight, but it will happen – again, when it is meant to. 
While Universal laws seem to focus on the mental reality of our thoughts shaping our worlds, there is a strong spiritual connection.  We must connect to and understand the Universe at large and Divine timing.  We must be fully aware of our physical beings, as homes for our souls and treat our physical bodies as such.  Taking care of and tending to our needs, wants, and desires.  We must recognize this in others as well.  If we, as a “world” recognized each other on a soul level, can you imagine how different the world would be?  We wouldn’t have the jealousy, the envy, the competition, the greed … we would see so much more love, acceptance, compassion, forgiveness, and understanding.  I’d much rather live in the positive aspects of the world.  Wouldn't you?   



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