Thursday, January 7, 2010

Imagine my excitement!

OK, this cannot go unnoticed (or talked about)! So, a few weeks ago, I distinctly remember hearing the word "apothecary" at two different times during that week. The second time, I wrote it down (I was at work), and decided to look it up once I got home.

I looked up the meaning and it said things like....pharmacist, dispensing pharmaceutical products, etc. So, I'm thinking...OK?? I'm hearing this word, what does it mean?? I've been asking and asking to show me direction. I was a pharmacy tech in the past, so did this mean I should go back to that? Quite honestly, I didn't get that "YES!" feel when I asked if I should go back to it, so I left it alone. You know, we don't always get all the answers at once.

So, here I am searching, and googling my ass off, trying to find Reiki classes around here (for a reasonable price!). While searching, I found a school, not TOO far from me, that teaches Holisitic Massage and Reflexology. Not wanting to be a follower (Michele is a Massage Therapist), I have just thought about it for a day or two. I talked to Michele about it last night, asked what her tuition was. When she told me I wasn't sure what to think. She said her tuition was around $11,000, and was probably up to about $13,000 at this point.

I sat there..."BLINK BLINK"....."BLINK BLINK"... "Um, I found this site, the tuition was $7000, down to $5500 with an economic stimulus tuition roll back...." I asked her to check the site out and am still waiting to hear from her. Regardless of all of that.....

So, I searching YET again today and I find the Aspectarian online. I'm browsing that, writing down various sites from the zine when I come across one of the shops near me that I haven't yet been to or checked out. I go to their website to check things out. It says that not only are they planning Reiki classes for Jan, but Psychic Development classes as well. WHAT?!?!?! Except, there's no January calendar to be found! LOL. I sent them an email asking about it.

So, back to browsing their site, I see they are on FB (going to "become a fan" in a few..), and I see a link for "Jen's blog." No clue who Jen is, BUT I thought, well, let me check it out, on the off chance that she's on Blogspot and I can follow her. Um, she's on Blogspot. What are the odds? I mean, I know it's pretty popular, but there are many many others...

ANYWAY!!! (Man do I talk a lot! haha) I click on her blog and what is the title of the most recent entry?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I swear to God, it made me SPEAK out loud, TO MYSELF! I said, "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. AM I REALLY READING THIS?"

The title??? "ENCHANTED APOTHECARY" It took my breath away AGAIN just now as I typed it. Literally, took the wind out of me for a brief second. Here is the link.. . It's about blended oils. Dried herbs and essential oils go hand in hand.

And the plot thickens... Perhaps I am on the right road at this moment? Dun, dun, dun....

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE how the universe shows us stuff! Wow! That is COOL!
